Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

What up everyone,
The work is great out here, however this week we had a couple of set backs but despite all the set backs we also had a couple miracles.
As for the set back Frank Boydston who came to church last week went in to the hospitol on friday for a blood transfusion which due to technical difficulties had him there till late Saturday night. So as you can guess no Frank didn't show up for church on Sunday we were pretty sad.
Now at the same time we have an investigator named Christine who we gave a pre drop talk to and told her in order for us to continue to teach her she would have to show up for church on Sunday. Well i'm sorry to admit we were pretty faithless in fact we didn't even put her on the progress record, but sure enough she surprised us both and decided to show up yesterday to church it was really neat to see her smiling face it was great. We also had a member call us up yesterday and give us a sweet member referral. Well we called up the lady and she's just itching to hear the gospel. She would have already but her husband is athiest and she can't take the lessons there so we will be teaching her at a house she's being a care giver to. The lord is blessing us in many ways and the members here are great and we have a lot of love for all of them. yes they are crazy and so are most the people from Florida but that's really why i love them they each have so much personality and opinion.
Love Elder Judd

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

hey Everyone,
Well what can I say, this week truly has been one of many miracles. As you have heard i've been moved to Cocoa, and let me tell you it's a huge change. The city is so fast pace and it seems as though you are just go go go. Well Here in cocoa it's a lot different it's very slow. Just this week we were able to get a dinner with this partmember named Todd Bulloch, he has never had missionaries over for dinner before but something has really changed his heart. I mean the lord has really changed his heart and we are extremely excited to go over and get to know him. Elder Jensen my companion is from Las Vegas, he's the bomb dot com. We are tearing it up because he's got so much faith and is so humble and just willing to learn. His trainer was good but left him a lot of room for improvement in the small and simple things so we are really going to make some big changes and get this ward pumping. I'm so excited to be here so much is happening and the greatest part of it all is that i get to be a part of it i really fell selfish.
Love Elder Judd

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010

Dear Family,
What an awesome week so great things are happening right now right when i get transferred we start getting blessed a lot ahha. Anyhow i guess i'll start be letting you all know that god has heard your prayers for Ken this week on a temple tour we invited him to be baptized while we were in the temple and he accepted. Thank you all very much next week I'll attach some pictures of us at the temple it was a lot of fun. Also mom while i was on the temple tour you won't believe who was there. Well this lady kept looking at me all wierd like she knew me or something and i was getting a little creeped out. She finally asked some of the sister missionaries who i was and came up to me and asked me if I was elder judd. I said yeah like who are you haha. She said i just met your family, i was like are you sure. Well it turns out yep you guessed it bishop Gillespies sister came on the same temple tour. Which i'm guessing by now you already heard that from the gillespies but it was really funny. She actually attends the church about a mile from our place but we don't meet at that building.
Well as for some other good news Katherine is doing well. She came to church again this week and really enjoyed it she said. She told us she likes coming which is really good news cause she hasn't liked the other churchs she's been to in the past so we are making progress with her it's just really slow.
Well now for the not so great but good change news is that i'm being transferred to cocoa. I'm being moved out to the coast and best part is that im being released to senior companion you don't even know how happy that makes me. My new companion is going to be elder Jensen who's only been out for three months which is perfect. I have really been blessed alot and i'm looking forward to the new area just a little nervous but it's what i need.
Love Elder Judd

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

Hey Family,
To be honest I really don't feel like emailing today, so you'll see how my email is going to be really short but I still love you all - trust me. This week has been tough but I've found a lot of help and strength. Our investigator Ken has really been kicking it in gear. He told us he first started coming for the social aspect, but now he's trying to separate the social and spiritual aspects, and we hope he'll be able to. Please keep him in your prayers.
Love Elder Judd