Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

Sorry my emails are so short. i won't lie one bit i really do not like emailing people and would rather just reply to letters i recieve it seems so much more convienent. Well i will tell you a little bit about a couple that we've been working with. Jason and Kysia. They are sweet and have such a great desire. They both had a date to be baptized this Saturday, and also a date to get married on the ninth of july. Well they got married on their scheduled day and it was way cool. However only Kysia got baptized on the eleventh. But it's ok because Jason knows the church is true and has a great testimony. He just has some things he needs to take care of before he gets baptized. They are way sweet, and have brought me a lot of joy. Thank you for all of your prayers they really mean a lot to me. Keep up the missionary work in your own lives and remember each week you covenant to take upon yourself the name of christ.