Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

Hey everyone,
Oh how blessed a nation and people we really are. Heavenly Father has given us all so much. He has given us the gospel which allows us to see what people can become instead of who they are at that time. I've seen too many people change and it stregnthens me so much each day to think about it.
The work is going well and we are finding a lot of new investigators. We are still having a hard time getting them to church but i think we'll be blessed shortly. This week Bridget was supposed to with her two children but they were a no show. But we'll be teaching them this week in the church giving them a church tours so hopefully all goes well.
We found this lady named Juana this week and i've really learned a lot from teaching her. She really is submissive meek and humble and she pays such great attention. She's always listening intently and the spirit is able to tesitify through us so much easier I love it. We are excited to teach her and it is such a great blesssing that we found her.
Well once again transfers have come around adn Elder Mansfield will be leaving me. My new companion is also from Lehi ut and his name is Elder Hunt. He only has three months left on his mission so we are going to make sure he finishes strong. I really love this work and the blessings it brings. I really love you all so much and thank you for all of the love and support you give me.
Love Elder Judd
ps. it's getting hot again uuugghh

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

Dear family and friends,
Oh what a week, they just keep going by so fast and before I know it another week is over and another p day has come. But I'm loving it and really getting lost in the work. Now it might sound normal but seriously you get lost lost lost in the work and sometimes you get so confused you don't know where your at. But then you get back to the basics and rerecognize your purpose and you're back on track.
Well we had a huge tender mercy this last week, well it was a tender mercy at least for me. We've been having a hard time getting people to chruch (Sound familiar to those who've served missions) and it was getting me down a little. So we've been having to really work on patience for our patience has been tried much lately. But on Tuesday we stopped by a members home whose son has a non member wife that we've been working with. Her name is Bridget Rojas and we really hadn't seen much progression from her because we had comitted her for church but she didn't come. Well that night we found out she works on sunday at two and said she'd only be able to make it for the first twenty minutes, so we challenged her to do that. She didn't once again but we found out later she had got sick and later that night we gave her a blessing of healing. Her blessing was inspired I know because the person giving the blessing blessed her with faith which she really needs. She will get baptized and we know she has felt god's presence a lot lately.
Well that's all for Orland Florida, except for a thank you to all my cousins for the cookies. Y'all are giving me sugar attacks.
Love Elder Judd

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

Hey everyone,
First of all my email address changed it is now we just switched programs so hopefully everyone currently emailing me will get this if not spread it haha.
Anyways the work here is going great accept for getting people to church we really had a hard time this week but next week we'll do better. This week we were blessed to set two dates with Pablo Serna and his wife Samantha Serna. We were teaching Pablo and his wife sat in on the lesson and really enjoyed it, in fact when we were trying to set another time to come see them for daily contact we were setting up a time when only he would be home because she was so busy. Than she said but i want to listen to the lessons too. We said we understand were just going to stop by. It really is nice when we have people who are so desirous to hear the words of eternal life that they'll give things up. For truly this is the law of sacrifice.
I love the mission and all the joy is brings and I know my heavenly father is happy with me because I'm happy.
love you all Elder Judd

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Dear family and friends,
Im sorry about no email last week the computer i was working on really frustrated me and i lost the email. I hope you all still love me though and that you'll continue to pray for me and the work of the lord.
We've really had a couple of tough days in the last couple of weeks and at times the work can be hard and sometimes. However as we endure with faith i know we will be blessed. In fact we really have been blessed in the last couple of weeks with a couple of positive people to teach.
The First is Juan Serna he is hispanic and we just tracted into him the other day on his way out with his little daughter. He first started by saying I don't like or believe in organized religion. I was glad he said that because neither am I, we were able to answer some good questions that he had and set up a return apt. When we came back we taught him the restoration and the spirit was really strong. It was truly a lesson I would prefer we always had. haha. Anyhow the second and last one we have is a guy named Joe whom we just tracted into. He told us at the door that he was a baptist and after we taught him the restoration and asked him to read in the Book of Mormon and to ask god if it is true he said, " As a true believer i don't have much of a choice do i", I said no you dont haha.
Well the work is going well thanks for all the support and the prayers I have recieved. I love this work it truly is the Lord's and this is his church.
Love Elder Judd