Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Hey my family,
Well i guess you might wonder a little bit of why you didn't get the email on Monday. Than you probably remembered it was Memorial day and so the library at which i email home was closed.
Well i'm very excited here, first of all i'd like to thank you dad for the letter you wrote me it really meant a lot to me. Second of all before i forget i would like to get the address for Tommy Semmens, the Gillespies, Clark Wilkey, and Josh laub.
As for the work in St. Cloud i guess you can say our dry spell is over. For a long while there we were really being tested with finding new people to teach. It was so hard because i wasn't so excited to do the work but i knew it needed to be done and so we pressed on. Well now we have been blessed after the trial of our faith. We have so many new investigators. In fact today we have six scheduled appointments with member exchanges for all of them. We are way excited and i'll let you know how it goes.
Two of our investigators made it to church so we were very excited. Burnedet Lorentz and her daughter Jazmin are very awesome. Their understanding is not the greatest but they have so much desire to learn. We are going to teach them today with a baptismal date in mind and we are extremly excited. Next we have Paul Ceballos who is a part member and has already been to church twice but didn't become a investigator until yesterday. He to has a huge desire to know if these things are true and already has a support system with his mother who is a member.
I cannot tell you how much your prayers mean to me. I've truly felt their power in my missionary work.
Love Elder Judd

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

Well pday once again,
It's almost like i dread p day now because i know i'm going to have to write about my week and sometimes you just don't feel like it. I know that sounds bad and I'll probably feel bad and start repenting for it. Or not depends on if i want the spirit with me so i guess i won't haha just kidding.
Well for the good stuff now, if you were able to get through the nonsense. This week has been really tough, we've only been able to find one new investigator and tracted like crazy you wouldn't believe. It is getting hotter in St. Cloud but the one nice thing is that it rains about every day, In fact if it stops raining for like a week the people here start praying for rain. At first this was a huge surprise for me, obviously these people have never been out to Utah where it might rain like three times a year.
Anyways more about my week, like i said we've been working extremely hard and have not been able to find very many new investigators but we know this is a trial of our faith and the lord is about to just start blessing us like crazy with baptisms galore i'm so excited. The standard of truth has been erected, no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. So why don't we all grab a hold and heed the words of the prophet and find those searching for the gospel.
Thanks for the prayers, I have truly benefited from them. May god bless all of you my family and friends.
love Elder Judd

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009

Judd Family,
Well this email won't be quite as long just because i was able to talk to you all on Sunday. So for anyone who happens to read my emails outside my family sorry, not that they're very interesting in the first place.
First off I would like to thank all of my family and let them know of how much they truly have helped me. This week for me was a long week and very tough. We did work a lot but i'm afraid a bit of it was in vain for me. I wasn't really keeping the faith and hope that the lord was preparing people for us to teach. I was tracting because that's what missionaries do i guess. But when i was able to call home i was able to feel renergized by the calming voices of my family. I really love the greenie spirit and hope and lost a little of it. So now with reasured hope in my life i'm going to regain that spirit and find those who are being prepared by the lord.
I would also like to let Clark Wilkey, Kevin Steck, and Zac Zabriske know how happy i am for them congratulations.
Love Elder Judd
p.s. Zac oh baby the heat out here is nothin like St. George be ready to sweat.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

Oh my family,
What a good week it has been. I'm so excited for the work that is going on in St. Cloud right now. This week has been very hard and difficult and we've slacked a little. We are going to have to work twice as hard to allow the lord it bless us and consecrate our efforts.
Well we really have worked hard to find new investigators and I guess you would say we have relied enough on the members. We have really turned our focus to the ward members and they are all searching hard. We have been leaving commitments with all of the members and are writing them all down in a book so each week we'll be able to follow up on their goals. This way we will be able to find more people to teach and also help the ward members achieve their goals and get excited about the work.
I'm really excited about the work here but at times it gets very frustrating. Especially when you have so many things to do and that you can do. Pretty soon it can all just get so overwhelming and you can loose focus and I think we might have a little this week. But we are done with the past and are on to the new and upcoming week. We are very excited especially with the members right at our back ready to help and fellowship.
However I am a little disappointed this week because of something that i read. BRENT and RACHEL after everything I can't believe you told Kami Sister Judd before you told me about Tyler walking and talking. Just kidding but i really think that is so sweet, and now that I sent yall pictures you'll have to send me pictures of him walking.
Congratulations to the Ruffin Judd Family. That is so sweet that Liz had her baby and I'm so excited for you all. Thanks for letting me know and sending me pictures i appreciate it. I also really love the name, I believe our family is the best at picking out some of the sweetest names.
Well that pretty much all for me until next week talk to you later, literally talk to you later haha like on the phone yeah.
Love Elder Judd