Dear family,
Sorry for the week i missed i was really to busy to even get to email, we decided that we were going to go to the space center i promise i'll send some pics next week. Well as for these last couple of weeks we really have been blessed and the people we are working with are making some huge steps. Christine has started on her journey of quitting smoking and drinking she has beeen off drinking for a week now which is great and she's still working on cigerettes. She's got a hold of a couple of butts and has been smoking them i really just shows how addicting they really are satan uses them a huge tool to degrade people and their self worth.
Well the other week we recieved a member referral on sunday and we stopped by two days later and found Therease ready adn prepared for the gospel we left her with a copy of the book of mormon and told her to read and pray. Well we stopped by two days later adn she read through all of the book of mormon the first night she had it. She said she really just couldn't put it down, she's been telling us how she feels her cup is now full. I know the lord is preparing people to recieve the message. And even with those you share the gospel with if they are not ready at least help them prepare for the second coming as the scriptures exhort us to do. Invite them to keep the commandments and read the scriptures they will really bless your life for it. I know this church is true i know god lives and speaks to us he really does answer prayers seek learning by faith.
love Always
Elder Judd