Hey everyone,
First of all my email address changed it is now verle.judd@new.myldsmail.net we just switched programs so hopefully everyone currently emailing me will get this if not spread it haha.
Anyways the work here is going great accept for getting people to church we really had a hard time this week but next week we'll do better. This week we were blessed to set two dates with Pablo Serna and his wife Samantha Serna. We were teaching Pablo and his wife sat in on the lesson and really enjoyed it, in fact when we were trying to set another time to come see them for daily contact we were setting up a time when only he would be home because she was so busy. Than she said but i want to listen to the lessons too. We said we understand were just going to stop by. It really is nice when we have people who are so desirous to hear the words of eternal life that they'll give things up. For truly this is the law of sacrifice.
I love the mission and all the joy is brings and I know my heavenly father is happy with me because I'm happy.
love you all Elder Judd